Simple food is best: The oatcake

A simple food that I found in Weston Price’s book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration that I like is the Oatcake. It originates from the isles of Scotland, where oatmeal is the best grain to grow due to the sandy soil. The simpliest oatcake is simply mixing oats and water and frying it into a flat bread in a frying pan. I prefer it differently though.

Here are the ingredients for mine:

  • 1/2 cup old fashioned oats
  • 2 eggs
  • sea salt or Morton’s salt substitute(whatever is preferred measurement wise)
  • a very small amount of milk (optional)
  • a tablespoon of butter for frying

So put a frying pan on the stove at medium low heat. Take the oats and place them in a bowl with the eggs, salt, and milk if you use it. Beat the mixture until the oats are moist. Now put the butter in the pan and spread it all over the bottom, then immediately place the mixture into the pan. Let it cook about 5 minutes, then flip it, and then probably another 5 minutes it should be done. It should be a little brown on each side but not too light or dark.

Just eat it like a pancake and serve it as a bread or use as a meal in itself. I hope you like it 🙂

About endwatcher

A resident of Maryland, I am a born again believer who places his faith on Jesus for salvation. I seek to live out being His disciple and follow after Him.
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